Call to order
The annual meeting of the Stilwater POA was called to order at 10:25 AM.
Establish quorum
Representatives of 18 lots were present, 14 proxies were held by the board, and 2 proxies were held by others, for a total of 34. A quorum was established.
Introduction of guest speaker
Mike Dreisbach, president of Garrett Trails, presented an overview of the past, current and future work of the organization. He gave the POA handouts of maps of trails we can enjoy now. Mike explained how expansion of hiking, biking, and paddling trails expands tourism as has already happened in Pennsylvania with the Great Allegheny Passage Trail. A new proposed Eastern Continental Divide Loop Trail would connect Garrett County with the Great Allegheny Passage Trail. The existing portions of Meadow Mountain trail would be part of this loop trail and eventually connect to Deep Creek Lake and Oakland. Each June, the Garrett County Gran Fondo bike event raises money for trails and brings in hundreds of cyclists. Yellow arrows lead from Garrett College along the very scenic Gran Fondo bike ride route. Mike also spoke about the many fly fishing opportunities in Garrett County rivers.
Introduction of officers and committee chairs
Present and introduced were George Leasure, President; Bill Henry, Treasurer; Linda Ettinger, Secretary; Steve Bentz, Chair of the Architectural Review Committee; Mike Rehmert, member-at-large. Excused was Tina Orndorff, Vice President.
Photos of and thanks for Marty and Sandy Hill’s bench
The Hill’s, who were POA board members and ARC chair for a decade plus, moved away this past summer. The board purchased a bench to commemorate Marty and Sandy Hill’s service to the Stilwater community. The bench is located for the enjoyment of all near the center dock. George read a thank you note from the Hills.
Review and Approval of minutes of October 6, 2018 Meeting
The POA unanimously approved the minutes of the Stilwater POA annual meeting as they stand.
President’s report - George Leasure
In June of 2019 President Sandy Hill advised the board that they were selling their home and moving from Stilwater to be closer to their family. The Hill’s moving created a vacancy on the P.O.A. Board and Architectural Review Committee.
At the August 2019 P.O.A. Board meeting appointments to fill the vacant positions were presented and approved. Tina Orndorff will fill the unexpired term of Sandy Hill, and Steve Bentz will replace Marty Hill as chairman of the ARC. P.O.A. Board positions for the remainder of 2019 will be, George Leasure President, Tina Orndorff Vice President, Linda Ettinger Secretary, Bill Henry Treasurer, Mike Rehmert Member at Large.
There are 2 P.O.A. Board positions expiring in 2019. Bill Henry, and Mike Rehmert. The nominating committee has completed their search and has brought forth the names of Judy Gaudelli and Mike Tumbarello to be nominated at the annual meeting for election to fill the 2 year terms beginning in 2020.
Regarding the ongoing legal matter between Stilwater and Norino/Balsamo relative to their unauthorized connection to the Stilwater sewer line, Counsel for Stilwater has recommended not to file a lawsuit to recover the damage costs incurred by Stilwater P.O.A. Instead, Counsel has recommended filing the appropriate action to
prevent any further extension of the unauthorized sewer line. The P.O.A. Board is in agreement with the recommendation, and is currently reviewing the next steps with counsel.
Reminder; all property owners who rent out their homes during the year must enter into, and execute the Stilwater Policies and Rental Properties Agreement. Contact Debbie Feaster or the P.O.A. Board for assistance.
Questions/comments from members:
It might be possible to file against Norino’s construction contractor to recover damages. Shoddy construction (damage to driveways) seems unrelated to the issue of whether county gave permission.
Treasurer’s Report - Bill Henry
Electronic billing of Stilwater quarterly dues has been fully implemented and seems to be working well. Three email addresses were incorrect. Our accounting firm has addressed this.
After completion of Glen Acres road paving, an analysis was made of the cost to resurface Stilwater’s remaining roads. We expect many years until more paving is needed. We do not need to raise dues at this time for the road reserve fund.
The P.OA. Board has reviewed the current road impact fee that is required to be paid by any owner in conjunction with building a new home. The current road impact fee was established over 17 years ago in 2003 and is in the amount of $1,000. The P.O.A. Board believes that due to the age of the Stilwater roads, and the cost of Asphalt increases over the years, the Impact fee needs to be increased to $2,000.
Bill presented balance sheets, financial status and the 2020 proposed budget. The major expenditure since last year’s POA meeting was $37,850 for road repaving. The Stilwater POA collects more money than we spend. This allows us to fund needed repairs without special assessments. The budget for 2020 includes new projects for tree removal and tree replacement which will be funded by savings. Dock repair costs come out of the dock fund.
The budget was adopted as presented.
Questions/comments from members:
Dumpster and concrete trucks for construction cause lots of wear on roads.
Website Update - Linda Ettinger
Our website,, contains lots of useful info including the following:
Phone numbers for property manager, Tripco
Contact form for the POA
Sends email to, which automatically
forwards to all board members
Stilwater rental policies and Garret County TRVU rental link
Stilwater general rules and regulations
Stilwater rental agreement form and Tripco mailing address
Stilwater covenants
Stilwater plat
List of members
Term and duties info
Architectural Review
List of members
Review process info
Annual meeting minutes
Questions/comments from members:
Architectural Review Committee Report - Steve Bentz
All exterior changes to buildings, landscape and hardscape require written ARC approval. We have documentation of past projects that will help maintain consistency with new projects. The goal of the ARC is to keep Stilwater as the unique and beautiful neighborhood it is.
A few recurrent topic areas in the questions that ARC received relate to tree trimming, signage and lighting.
The P.O.A. board reviewed and has reconfirmed the policy regarding trimming /cutting of trees on P.O.A. common areas. The P.O.A. Board’s intent is to maintain trees in Stilwater to the maximum extent possible. Due to liability concerns, no owner shall be allowed to personally trim or cut any trees on the P.O.A common area property. Tree trimming / cutting must be done by an insured and licensed professional service under contract with the P.O.A. Trimming / cutting of any trees will only be done to abate a serious health or safety risk.
All new exterior lighting must comply with dark sky requirements to minimize light pollution. In addition, existing floodlights should be directionally pointed at a specific area and turned off when not in use.
Rules on signage are in the covenants. Private signs are not allowed on POA property.
Plans have been submitted and reviewed for new construction at 256 Stilwater Dr. There are concerns about the garage floor height, site drainage and swale.
Questions/comments from members:
Property Manager’s Report - Debbie Feaster
Debbie as property manager should be the main point of contact for issues. Husband John and son Jonathon oversee work crews. Tripco has stopped mowing of individual properties but continues to be the property manager for the association and will continue to plow individual properties and the Stilwater roads.
Debbie Feaster presented the management report. We have 3 new families in Stilwater.
Boats should be removed immediately after Autumn Glory.
Things that don’t fit in the dumpster can only be put out on scheduled bulk pickup dates. The next bulk pick-up date will likely be Autumn Glory weekend.
Goose droppings on the docks were a problem this past summer. Tripco and the board will continue to work for a solution for next summer.
Noise and too many cars are a continuing problem. Tripco does drive-throughs on weekends to monitor this. Owners need to contact Tripco to report incidents as soon as they occur. Tripco can contact the rental property manager via emergency numbers to address problems.
Debbie maintains a complaint log of reported issues with noise, excess cars, trespassing, etc. Please call Debbie’s cell, 301 501 2425, at any hour for anything needing immediate attention.
Questions/comments from members:
Nomination and election of directors - Two positions open
Judy Gaudelli
Mike Tumbarello
No nominations from floor.
Nominated directors elected unanimously.
Unfinished Business
May 2019, Mountain Top Paving completed the repaving of Glen Acres Road.
2019 completed projects within Stilwater included; Spring Bulk trash pick-up, Power washing and cleaning of the left side dock access Bridge, Power washing and repairs to the docks wooden chairs, Clean-up of stumps and logs from the prior dead tree removal project along the shore line common area, Additional gravel and repairs to the center docks cart path, and Restoration of the grass area along the center docks from the 2018 shoreline erosion control project.
Planting of new trees approved at the 2018 annual meeting, at a cost of $5.000 has not yet been started due to the lack of desired nursery stock and competitive bids. The board is hoping to release the project in the spring of 2020.
New Business
Road Impact Fee increase
Motion to approve road impact fee change from $1000 to $2000.
18 present for.
1 proxy opposed.
Motion carried.
Motion to authorized president to execute the impact fee amendment for recording
18 present for.
1 proxy opposed.
Motion carried.
Member Concerns
Members raised health concerns about cleaning docks by sweeping goose poop into the swimming water.
Suggestions to deter geese include banners, metallic pinwheels, bright pink survey flagging, and more ropes.
Suggestions to clean water include fountains and chemicals, although these would need DNR approval.
The dumpster has been filled to capacity at times with people leaving trash outside of dumpster. Pickup is on Friday most weeks. Increased trash pick up is needed at peak times.
People from Waterfront Greens and other outside areas have been seen using our docks. Suggestions include more policing of dock usage and signage at end of docks.
Members reported a large inflatable was tied to the center dock swim platform. The same inflatable was sunk next to the dock and left in the water. It took 6 people to remove it from the water and carry it to the dumpster.
Reminder: Stilwater Rules and Regulations state that large inflatables are not permitted in or near the Stillwater dock waters.
Next Annual Meeting Saturday October 3, 2020
Motion to adjourn.
Motion seconded.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:25 PM.
Prepared by Linda Ettinger, Stilwater POA Board Secretary
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