Call to Order
The Annual Meeting of the Stilwater POA was called to order at 10:03 AM on October 2, 2021, via Zoom.
Establish Quorum
Representatives of 24 lots were present, 11 proxies were held by the Board, and X proxies were held by others, for a total of 35 lots present. A quorum was established.
Review of Zoom Procedures - Linda
Linda reviewed the Zoom procedures and provided a sample poll as a test.
Introduction of Officers and Committee Chairs - George
Present and introduced were George Leasure, President; Linda Ettinger, Vice President; Tina Orndorff, Secretary; Mike Tumbarello, Treasurer; Judy Gaudelli, Member-at-Large; and Steve Bentz, Chair of the Architectural Review Committee.
Review and Approval of Minutes of October 3, 2020 Meeting
The 2020 Stilwater POA Annual Meeting minutes were unanimously approved as presented.
Reports from Officers:
President’s Report – George Leasure
- Stilwater is a beautiful community and very desirable neighborhood and has10 new lot owners.
- If you plan to build, please check references, and include completion date in contract.
- Board engaged security for three holiday weekends which successfully reduced complaints.
- Board had its annual meeting with the two rental agencies in an effort to reduce recurring violations with rentals.
- New dock sections at center and right docks.
- New rules – signs posted.
- Boat & golf cart tag required.
- Board performed its annual walk through of the common area and identified some trees for removal. DNR has been contacted so the Board will move forward with estimates for trimming and removal as indicated.
- Trash expenses have increased because of need for a dumpster rotation 3 times/week in summer.
- Board is aware that docks need repair - cleats, floats, poles. Steve Bentz will mark for repairs.
- Three Board positions expire, and the Nominating Committee will present its nominations later in the meeting.
- George reminded owners that boat launches are prohibited in Stilwater.
- George also reminded the owners that the boats need to be removed from docks after Autumn Glory weekend.
- No large inflatables are permitted in Stilwater.
- For owners that plan to rent, please contact Tripco for a Rental Agreement.
- Docked can only be leased, rented or loaned to another Stilwater owner.
- Lastly, George thanked Tripco for its work in taking care of the community. He also thanked the ARC and the Board for its work over the last year.
Treasurer’s Report – Mike Tumbarello
- Mike reviewed the Treasurer’s Report attached to the minutes.
- Mike reviewed the Budget attached to the minutes.
Stilwater Rules and Regulations Update – Judy Gaudelli
- Judy reminded the Owners that the Rules have been updated and posted on signs throughout the community.
- Judy also reported on the boat slip tag & golf cart tag system and asked the Owners to use the tags to help to stop unauthorized use of our docks and lakefronts.
ARC Report – Steve
- Steve reviewed the ARC’s report attached to the minutes and provided the Owners with a view of the ARC checklist based on the requirements in the Covenants.
- Steve also asked Owners to notify ARC if interior work results in trailers or dumpsters in driveways.
Property Manager Report – Wendy (Tripco)
- Wendy provided Tripco’s property manager report. She asked that Owners keep contact information current with Tripco and that boats be removed after Autumn Glory.
Nomination and Election of Board Members – Linda
Linda reported that there are three open Board positions. Tina Orndorff, Mike Tumbarello and Judy Gaudelli terms expire. The Nominating Committee nominated Tina, Mike and Judy for the open seats for reelection. Positions are for two-year terms. Linda asked for nominations from the floor. Hearing none, the ballot was sent to the membership via Zoom poll. Tina, Mike and Judy were unanimously elected for two-year terms.
Vote to Approve 2021-2022 Budget
A motion was made and seconded to accept and approve the 2021-2022 Budget as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
Vote to Approve Bylaws Change – Tina
Article III, Section 3 of the Bylaws requires notice of the annual meeting to be sent by mail. Tina reported that Board proposes changing the Bylaws to allow sending notices by email. A motion was made and seconded to allow the Board to make changes to the Bylaws to allow for notices sent by email if the email address has been verified. The motion passed unanimously.
Concerns and Questions from the Lot Owners
- Member thanked the Board and Tripco for their work. He also recommended that the Board consider stickers for boats. Linda explained that we opted for tags because of rental boats and agreed to have the Board consider another option. Another member added that she used a lock to attach the tag to the boat.
- Member pointed out that utility boxes throughout the neighborhood are falling over and are unsightly. ARC member Linda Powell reported that this is an ARC project. She reached out to the utility companies.
- Member asked if the Board could consider making the center dock more handicap accessible. The Board will add this request to the agenda for the next Board meeting.
- Member sked what type of enforcement is planned for the properties that are consistently breaking the rules. George made it clear that the Board has the ability to fine Owners for violations of the rules. There was further discussion regarding publishing fines. The Board will review this request.
- Member requested an updated plat to show rentals. Tripco will update and distribute.
- Member requested an investment in the pathway to dock #s 1-3. The Board agreed to add this to the next Board meeting agenda.
- Member asked if Stilwater cove is being dredged. It was reported that Arrowhead is first, maybe Cherry Creek next. Tripco will attempt to get additional information.
Next Annual Meeting Date
In accordance with the Bylaws, the next annual meeting will be held October 1, 2022, the first Saturday in October. A motion was duly made and seconded. The motion carried.
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 AM.
Tina Orndorff
Stilwater POA Board