The formal meeting was called to order at 10:40 AM. Seventeen lot owners were present and 17 proxies had been submitted for a total of 34 lots represented. A quorum was established.
Sandy Hill, President, introduced the other POA officers and committee chairs:
Vice President Bill Henry
Treasurer Brent Gallagher
Secretary Bob Couse
Member-at-large Mike Rehmert
Architectural Review Marty Hill
Property Manager Debbie Feaster
The minutes from the October 2013 annual meeting had previously been mailed to members and posted to the Stilwater HOA website. The minutes were approved as written.
Sandy Hill gave the President’s Report (available).
Sandy gave a brief report on topics of general interest to the Stilwater community including Hydrilla identification and control measures, the completion of the Sediment Study and possible dredging in shallow coves, the 2014 International Canoe and Kayak Championships, the GC Watershed Management Plan, and the selection of Garrett County as one of the nation’s Top Ten best places to view fall foliage.
Completed Projects in Stilwater include:
Brent Gallagher was unable to give the Treasurer’s Report (available) due to illness. In his absence Marty Hill gave this report.
With last year’s dues increase we have been able to meet all of our expenses and will be able to add money to the reserve fund at the end of the year. Dues increases are not anticipated for the upcoming year, but Marty is waiting to hear from two vendors regarding road and dock reserve needs. The 2015 budget will be presented under unfinished business.
Marty Hill presented the Architectural Review Committee’s report (available).
There have been applications and actions approved for 9 property owners that include landscaping, tree removal, new home construction, and the addition of an outdoor poolto an existing home .
The ARC worked successfully with the owner and our attorney to assist the owner to install a pool with a restricted covenant.
Light encroachment is a continuing issue in the community. The ARC has begun to require IDA (International Dark Sky Association) compliant lighting as of Jan 1, 2013. This means lighting that
a) illuminates only your own property, not your neighbors or the lakefront;
b) is shielded in such a way as not to be directly visible to your neighbors.
Existing exterior fixtures will be “grandfathered” in but owners are requested to do an assessment of their exterior lighting and retro-fit those that are obviously out of compliance.
Finally, there have been a few instances of owners making exterior changes to their property without approval of the ARC. This includes tree cutting, paving, landscaping, and hardscape installation. Each owner is required by Article 7 of the covenants to get approval from the ARC before exterior changes are made. Please refer to the covenants on the website or call Tripco at 301-387-7633 for a hard copy.
Marty thanked Mike Ginsberg and Dennis Meneely for also serving on the committee.
Debbie Feaster presented the Tripco Property Manager’s report (available).
Debbie does the property management including billing, mailing, and collecting dues and payments. Debbie also writes the Tripco Weekly Update that is emailed to POA owners on most Fridays. John Feaster does the property maintenance including plowing, mowing, dock installation and removal, and mulching. They also provided Fourth of July security this year. Tripco has merged their business with Coldwell Banker and are now located in McHenry. Boat docks will be removed the week after Autumn Glory, weather permitting. They are generally installed in early to mid April or as soon as the ice melts. Debbie works closely with the rental agencies represented in Stilwater to make sure that only family groups are allowed to rent in Stilwater (this excludes sorority/fraternity parties, bachelor parties, etc). She also makes sure that each agency has current copies of the Stilwater Rules and Regulations (Updated in Sept. 2014). Debbie stressed the importance of communication between Stilwater owners and Tripco. If there are any incidents of concern in Stilwater please contact Tripco directly at 301-387-7633. It is important to document concerns so they can be addressed in a timely manner. Debbie mentioned the possibility of installing a recycling bin for certain co-mingled items in Stilwater. She will look into this further and notify the Board. The Board thanked Tripco for their outstanding service this year.
Nominations and Elections
Sandy explained that in lieu of a nominating committee, volunteers are solicited from the membership. There are 3 Board positions open this year. Sandy Hill and Bob Couse have volunteered to run for re-election. Due to illness Brent Gallagher is unable to serve another term. George Leasure has volunteered for the other open position. The slate was presented to the membership and was endorsed by unanimous voice vote.
Unfinished Business
1. The 2015 Budget was distributed to members for review. Marty answered questions about the budget. The budget was accepted by unanimous voice vote. Copies will be mailed to members who are not present today.
The 2015 Stilwater Directory will be distributed to members as corrected after today’s meeting. The directory is not published on the web site for privacy reasons. Paper copies will be mailed to all members.
Sediment in the cove and the mitigation of that sediment was discussed. The new Watershed Management Plan has answered the question about whether the county or the state will pay for dredging. They have declined to do so, but may permit private property owners to dredge under strict guidelines. The Board has asked Joe Malandro to read the State’s report and determine how Stilwater can participate in this plan.
Sandy asked for volunteers to serve on a committee to review the Stilwater Declaration and Covenants. The volunteers are Linda Ettinger, Linda Powell, and Jean Tumbarello.
New Business
Welcome to new owners the Zottola/Zupancic family, Bob and Pamela Lentz, and Tom and Maureen McVittie.
Member concerns:
Lorraine Malandro has gathered a list of preferred vendors for use by Stilwater owners. If you have found a reliable company or individual you would like to recommend, please email Lorraine. Marty will put the list up on the POA website.
The next annual meeting will be held on October 3, 2015 at 10:30 AM. Place to be announced.
Everyone is invited to the Hill’s house for the Annual Stilwater Community Luncheon immediately following this meeting.
The Linda Ettinger and Dennis Meneely are hosting the dessert portion of the luncheon at their home at Stilwater’s Edge.
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