The program for the morning was a video on dredging Lake Needwood by Andy Frank, an engineer with Montgomery County, MD, Parks and Recreation. The video is available on You Tube at:
A lively discussion followed regarding the feasibility of dredging in Deep Creek Lake, and the Stilwater area in particular. Ten “impacted coves” have been identified as a pilot project for study. Stilwater is not included as one of these ten, but Waterfront Greens is included. We have much to learn from this process. Sandy distributed a bathymetric map of Harvey’s Cove of which Stilwater is a part.
The Stilwater Annual Meeting was called to order at 11:05.
There were 19 lots represented in person and 21 represented by proxy. There was a quorum of 40 lots represented.
Owners were reminded to check the directory at the registration table for additions or corrections.
Sandy Hill, President, introduced the Stilwater POA officers:
George Leasure, Vice President;
Bob Couse, Secretary;
Bill Henry, Treasurer; and
Mike Rehmert, Member-at-Large.
The minutes from the October 3, 2015 annual meeting were approved as previously emailed.
Sandy Hill gave the President’s Report (Available).
Bill Henry gave the Treasurer’s Report (Available). Bill stated that our previous bank, Susquehana, was bought by BB&T bank resulting in increased fees and decreased interest rates. We subsequently changed to Clear Mountain, a locally owned bank. Bill stated that the reserve fund for docks has been placed in a CD, while the reserve fund for roads has been placed in a savings account. This is due to the fact that roads will need to be replaced before the docks will. Ten thousand dollars of operations money has been transferred to another savings account to earn interest while remaining accessible.
Bill presented the proposed budget for 2017 (Available). There is no plan to increase dues for the upcoming year as expenses are anticipated to remain the same. It is projected that the increased dumpster size will save money by allowing for fewer pick-ups per month. There is, as yet, no projection for the cost of dredging the lakefront. Sandy called for a motion to accept the budget as presented. George Leasure moved to accept the budget, Pamela Lentz seconded. The motion carried.
Marty Hill gave the Architectural Review Committee Report (Available). Marty mentioned that Stilwater is included in election district 18 and that 2/3 of all Garrett County taxes are collected from the property owners in this small district that surrounds the lake. He recommended that owners concerned with their property values become involved in the fracking issue. The ARC approved 4 actions this year: 2 landscaping, one deck and screen improvement, and one garage. The ARC also answered several questions for new lot owners who hope to build in the spring.
Marty reported on his discussions with Thompson Gas that resulted in a lower rate on propane for participating Stilwater owners. Marty reminded owners about IDS compliant lighting and proper disposal of construction and other large debris items,
Marty reiterated the need for approval from the ARC before undertaking any work on the outside of your home or on your property. Marty thanked Mike Ginsberg and Dennis Meneeley for their help on this committee.
Debbie Feaster gave the Property Managers Report (Available). Debbie began by introducing new owners: Steve and Shannon Bentz, Lot #18; Jason and Traci Hayes, Lot #31; Rich and Stephanie Wosolowski, Lot #58; Tom and Maureen McVittie, Lot #46; and Stephen and Tina Orndorff, Lot# 48. Welcome to our new members! Debbie reminded owners to keep their contact information current in case of an emergency with their property. She reiterated that Tripco wants to be notified of any concerns, especially noise, trash, parking issues, and fireworks. Tripco is available by phone any day of the week and can work to get problems corrected as soon as they know about them. Do not wait until the problem is large or the offenders have left. Calling early helps save bigger problems later. Debbie reminded owners about the Autumn Glory Festival later this month. She also gave a brief update on recycling and pointed out local stations that will receive recyclable items.
The Nominations Committee presented the following slate for the Board of Directors for the upcoming year: Sandy Hill, Linda Ettinger, George Leasure have agreed to serve. There were no nominations from the floor. It was moved and seconded to accept the slate as presented. The motion carried unanimously. Sandy thanked outgoing board member, Bob Couse (who is currently in Alaska!) for his many years of service to Stilwater. Linda Ettinger introduced herself to the group.
Unfinished Business
Tripco will mail the updated directory to each lot owner with the minutes and adopted budget of this annual meeting.
New Business/Member Concerns
1. Owners have noticed a lot of people walking into the community and using the Stilwater docks. Some have questioned if these people are renters, guests, or trespassers. Tripco recommended contacting them if these people seem to be causing a problem.
2. Hang tags for the mirrors of cars and golf carts are being considered as a way to identify vehicles that do belong in Stilwater, especially in the parking area and lakefront.
3. There was also some discussion of using tags to identify boats that belong in the Stilwater dock slips. Tripco would be notified of any boat without an ID tag.
4. There was some discussion about the breakdown of the edges of our roads, especially along Glen Acres drive. The Board has received an estimate for repair from Mt. Top paving and will discuss this at the November board meeting.
5. One member noted that the new trash pick-up company appears to be gouging out the pavement near the dumpster. Tripco will look into this.
6. It was noted that there are some dead trees and hanging branches in the common area. There is also a large tree that fell down on the lakefront in a recent storm. Tripco will call DNR to get permission to cut up the fallen tree. Tripco will split the logs and the resulting firewood will be placed by the dumpster for Stilwater owners to use.
7. Owners were reminded to contact Tripco if there is a tree in the common area or on the lakefront that is a safety issue. Owners must contact the ARC if they have a tree on their property that is bigger than 4 inches that they want to take down.
Sandy thanked everyone who attended this 10th annual meeting of the Stilwater POA. She offered an invitation to join other owners at the Hill’s house for the annual community luncheon catered by Don Champion. Dessert will be held at the home of Mike and Jean Tumbarello following the luncheon.
The meeting adjourned at 12:10.
The next Stilwater POA annual meeting will be held on Saturday October 7, 2017.
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