The guest speaker this year was Mark Boucot, President and CEO of the Garrett Regional Medical Center. Garrett Memorial Hospital recently affiliated with the WVU
Medical Center to bring a larger number of services to Garrett County and surrounding areas. The most recent effort is a new Cancer Care Unit and infusion therapy service that will open in January of 2016. This was excellent news for those of us who live here full time as well as those who spend extended periods of time at DCL.
The formal portion of the meeting was called to order at 11:10 AM. There were 19 lot owners in attendance with 8 proxies held by the board and 5 proxies held by individuals for a total of 32 lot owners represented. A quorum was established.
President Sandy Hill introduced the other officers. Present were George Leasure, Vice President; Bill Henry, Treasurer; and Mike Rehmert, Member-at-Large. Absent were Bob Couse, secretary; and Marty Hill, Chair of the Architectural Review Committee. John Feaster represented Tripco, our property management company.
The minutes of the 2014 Annual meeting were approved as mailed to the members.
Presidents Report (available).
Sandy Hill gave the president’s report. The highlights are that the Stilwater POA renewed the contract with Tripco for property management and maintenance services.
Other items include:
Treasurer’s Report (available).
Bill Henry reviewed the budget as written for 2015. He noted that all but two property owners are current with their dues. He also noted that while we are able to pay all of our bills we are not currently saving enough in the 2 reserve funds (docks and roads) to replace these items in a timely way. Bill answered several questions on this issue. He then recommended that the Board take a look at the reserve fund strategy and make recommendations to the members.
Bill then introduced the Budget for 2016. A motion was made to accept the budget as currently written. Carried unanimously.
Architectural Review Committee Report (available)
Marty Hill submitted a written report. The committee approved 8 action requests in 2015. Light encroachment is an on-going problem. New lighting must be IDA compliant. Another issue is the disposal of construction debris and bulk items in the dumpster enclosure. If it doesn’t fit in the dumpster, please haul it away or make arrangements to have it removed.
The greatest problem is homeowners making changes to the exterior of their property without prior ARC approval. Marty emphasized how important this is to help property owners avoid redoing the work.
Marty thanked Dennis Meneely and Mike Ginsburg for serving on the committee.
Property Manager’s Report (available)
Debbie Feaster submitted a written report in her absence. Goose control topped the list of actions taken by Tripco. Debbie mentioned the innovative PVC pipe and rope barrier system that seems to be working well. Tripco provided security over the Fourth of July holiday with no major incidents. On going problems include noise after quiet hours, one incident of vandalism, and parking issues. Debbie encourages all property owners to call the rental agency or Tripco at the first sign of a concern. It is easier to take care of things before they get out of hand.
Debbie also asked that owners please keep their contact information current and accurate.
There are two positions open for re-election in 2015. Both Bill Henry and Mike Rehmert have agreed to stay on the board. They were endorsed unanimously.
Unfinished Business
Debbie will send out paper copies of the corrected directory with copies of the budget and these meeting minutes by the beginning of November.
New Business/Member Concerns
Concerns centered around problems with unauthorized use of the Stilwater docks and common areas.
2. Another concern was too many cars in the cul de sac parking area often blocking the cart path. Members discovered that some of these cars belonged to fishermen who were being picked up from the center docks. Other cars belonged to residents of Waterfront Greens. Suggestions from the members included:
3. Multiple owners noted that residents of Waterfront Greens were using the Stilwater swim dock, cart path, wooden chairs at the ends of the docks, and picnic grove. The Board will work with the Waterfront Greens POA.
4. There was a request to have mulch placed under the canoe racks. This year those areas were boggy and muddy. The Board will contact Tripco.
5. One member asked about plans for the removal of one or more of the older canoe racks at the center dock slips. Other members stated that all canoe racks were frequently full. Consensus was to have all three racks remain in place.
6. A lengthy discussion focused on sediment accumulation in the cove. The major concerns focus on the later half of the boating season when water levels begin to drop. Suggestions ranged from dredging, to retaining walls to hold silt back, to pushing the docks out to the farthest possible point. Many suggestions are also being made at the county and state level. The Board will continue to follow the findings of the FoDCL, The DCPOA, and the PRB to get as much information as possible.
Sandy thanked Lorraine Malandro for compiling the list of Preferred Vendors for our area. This list is available in paper copy today.
Sandy also thanked Tripco for their good work in both the Property Management and Property Maintenance areas. It is a benefit to Stilwater to have John and Debbie Feaster live so close by.
All members are invited to the Stilwater community luncheon at the Hills’ house immediately following this meeting. Bob and Pamela Lentz will host dessert this year at their home at 164 Stilwater Dr.
The next Stilwater POA annual meeting is scheduled for Saturday October 1, 2016.
The meeting adjourned at 12:20 PM.
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